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Unlock Hidden Siri Pro Mode on iPhone – Combine Siri with Chat GPT

Howfinity Feb 11

Combine Siri with OpenAI and Enhance Your User Experience

Siri is an incredible voice assistant that has been an integral part of Apple devices for a long time. With the help of OpenAI, Siri can be even more powerful and useful. In this blog post, we will show you how to combine Siri with OpenAI using the Shortcuts app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

Step 1: Obtain the OpenAI API

The first step in this process is to get the API from OpenAI. To do this, simply follow this link: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys. You can sign up for a free account and create an API key. Make sure to copy the entire key and keep it safe. Do not share this API key with anyone.

Step 2: Install the Siri Pro Shortcut

The next step is to download the Siri Pro Shortcut and paste your API key into the text box. You can find the Siri Pro Shortcut at this link: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/0ff36917d09747ba83b0c288a2357f20.

Step 3: Start Using Siri Pro

Once you have completed these two steps, you can start using Siri Pro. You can ask it questions using text format, or you can use the name “Hey Siri Pro” to ask questions verbally. With the combination of Siri and OpenAI, you can expect even more accurate and relevant responses.

In conclusion, by combining Siri with OpenAI, you can significantly enhance your user experience. This process is simple and straightforward, and once completed, you will have a much more powerful and useful voice assistant. Try it out today!