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YouTube Tutorials

How to Turn Comment off on YouTube Videos

Howfinity Jul 10

It is easy to turn comments off on YouTube Videos and can be done in just a few minutes. Watch the above video on ‘How To Turn Comment off on YouTube Videos’.

Keep reading for the step-by-step guide below.

You can turn comments off on YouTube videos on your phone, through the YouTube Studio App, or on the website YouTube.com.

Now, why would you like to disable or turn off comments?

One of the reasons for turning off comments is – spam comments. This is done to remove spam comments which offer no additional value, except distraction and at times negativity.

How to Turn Comment off on YouTube Videos for Kids

If you are making videos for kids, there is an option where you can declare that these videos are for kids. When the specific box is ticked, by default there will not be a comments section. Thus, for kids’ videos, the comments section is disabled and cannot be enabled. You do not have to do anything else to disable comments.

How to Turn Comment off on YouTube Videos on the Website

  • Login to your YouTube Channel and go to Creator Studio
  • On the left-hand corner, click ‘Content’
  • Look for the video on which you wish to disable the comments.
  • Once you find the video, select the Video, which will lead you to the ‘Video details’ section
  • Scroll down the page and towards the bottom of the page you will find the section ‘Comments & Ratings’.
  • Click the box for options and you will find ‘Disable Comments

In case you wish to review comments, you can select the option ‘Hold all comments for review’. Thus, the comments will not be automatically published. They will appear only when you approve and publish them.

How to Turn Comments Off on YouTube Videos on the Phone

  • Open the YouTube Studio App (not the YouTube App)
  • Press the three lines that appear on the left-hand corner of your screen. It will take you to the videos page.
  • Find the video for which you wish to disable comments.
  • Click the pencil icon for editing.
  • Click on the setting icon. You will go to the comments sections. Disable the option ‘allow comments. This is done by simply moving the slider.
  • Click ‘save’ to save all changes.

Note: In case you change your mind, and you want comments from your audience, you can move the slider and allow/enable comments once again. Your viewers will be able to post their comments on your video.


So, if spam comments or unnecessary negative comments are bothering you, you can easily turn off the comments. The entire process will take a few minutes and in case you want your comments back, you can enable the section later (except for kids’ videos). However, it is still to be known if disabling comments has an impact on the performance of the video.



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