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Video Editing Tutorials

How to Transcribe Audio or Video to Text

Howfinity Sep 11

Introduction to Transcribing Audio into Text

Transcribing audio or video recordings into text can be a useful tool for a variety of purposes. Whether you want to turn your recording into a blog post, create an accurate caption file for YouTube, or simply have a written version of the content for reference, transcribing can be a helpful process. In this blog post, we will explore the best tools for transcribing audio into text, including both free and paid options.

Free Transcription Tools

One option for transcribing audio is Descript, a free app that can be used online or installed on your computer. Descript is an automated transcription service, which means that it uses software to transcribe audio or video file. While the accuracy may not be as high as with a human transcription service, Descript can still be a useful tool, especially if you need quick results or if accuracy is not essential. You can also upgrade to a paid version of Descript for more options.

Option 1: Descript (affilate link)


Paid Transcription Services

For a higher level of accuracy, you may want to consider using a paid transcription service like Rev. Rev is a platform which offers professional transcription services with a rapid turnaround time and a high level of accuracy. If you have an accent or if the speaker in the recording has an accent, Rev can be a particularly useful tool, as it is designed to handle a wide range of dialects. You can use Rev’s services online or install the app on your computer.

Option 2: Rev (affiliate links

Tips for Transcribing Audio or Video

When transcribing audio or video, it is always a good idea to use the cleanest version of the file possible, with as little background noise or music as possible. This will make it easier for the transcription service to accurately transcribe the content.


No matter which tool you choose, transcribing audio into text can be a useful and time-saving process, allowing you to access and utilize the content in a new and flexible way. If you want a more in-depth look at how to use Rev to transcribe videos, you can check out the accompanying video for this blog post.