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Instagram Tutorials

How to use Instagram story voice changer

Jerry Moss Aug 07

How to Use Instagram Story Voice Changer: A Step-by-Step Guide

Instagram Story now has a fun feature that allows you to change your voice while recording a video. With the voice effects filter, you can choose from a variety of options, including helium, announcer, vocalist, and robot. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the Instagram story voice changer:

Step 1: Record a video in Instagram Story.

To record a video in Instagram Story, open the app and swipe right from the main feed to enter the camera. From there, tap the record button to begin filming.

Step 2: Tap the filter icon.

Once you’ve finished recording your video, tap the filter icon (located at the bottom of the screen) to access the filters menu.

Step 3: Scroll to the voice effects filter.

In the filters menu, scroll to the “Voice Effects” filter. This filter has a microphone icon.

Step 4: Choose a voice effect.

Tap the “Voice Effects” filter to open the voice effects menu. From there, you can choose from several voice effects options, including helium, announcer, vocalist, and robot. Simply tap the effect you want to use.

Step 5: Save or share your video.

Once you’ve chosen a voice effect, you can save the video clip to your phone or share it directly to your Instagram Story. You can also save the video to your phone and use it as a voice changer app outside of Instagram.

That’s all there is to it! With the Instagram story voice changer, you can add some fun and personality to your Instagram videos. Whether you want to sound like a helium-filled cartoon character or a robotic machine, the voice effects filter has you covered. So go ahead and give it a try – your followers will love it!



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